Urban creativity workshop: Make your city!

On June 22nd 2018, I led a workshop where artists, creatives, urban designers, policymakers, city officials and community leaders worked in groups to ideate and prototype various fictional urban solutions.

The challenge the workshop presented to participants was to imagine public areas as a living space and speculate a near-future Amsterdam that challenges ownership, safety, and care-taking of urban spaces.

Public space is how a city speaks. It reveals gridlocks, tensions, desires, and dreams. What if we view this space as living space? If so, what kind of "furniture" would it require? Who would own it, and for how long? How would it be designed? Those and many other questions were asked and developed during an intense experience of discovery, where participants roleplayed and fabulated new possibilities for urban space. This process allowed them to embrace radical imagination, creating insights and conceptual prototypes to tell a story of what could be.

The workshop was organized in collaboration with creative studio Imagination of Things.